Friday, September 24, 2004


SACRED ROSE Tarot ... book & deck currently $10 off - only $1.72 more than deck on its own!

The Sacred Rose Tarot is a deck you either love or hate. The images are in vivid colour and have been described as 'strange', particularly the faces. There is Qabbalistic symbolism on some of the cards and quite a few of them are similar to those of the Rider Waite deck. The pictures invoke nature in terms of woods and flowers and are somewhat reminscent of stained glass. This deck would appeal to anyone who likes something different and out of the ordinary; it definitely has a certain 'something' about it.

In many cases, especially in a reading concentrating on a particular problem area, The Fool relates to the wearing of 'rose-coloured glasses' and suggests that the subject is not seeing a situation for what it really is. It can often apply to a relationship where the subject has put the object of their affections onto such a high pedestal that they simply cannot see the flaws in their character (which are usually plentiful when this card is present).

Naivety and inexperience are also indicated by this card. The subject may think they know all there is to know about a certain situation in their life, but in reality they know very little and a 'rude awakening' may well be on the horizon unless they face up to their lack of knowledge. They are probably 'kidding themselves' in some way and reluctant to accept the obvious, probably because they are afraid of losing something, even if it's only 'face'.

On a more positive note, the Fool can promise new beginnings. When it is prominent in a reading, the subject may decide to embark on a venture that under normal circumstances they simply wouldn't consider. This is because the Fool gives them a sort of 'innocence' and temporarily blinds them to any obstacles that may be in their path. This can have a positive or negative outcome, depending on the cards following the Fool, especially the one immediately after it.

This card can also signify a new beginning for the subject in terms of their entire approach to life. They may decide to literally throw caution to the winds and sacrifice everything in order to embark on a totally new lifestyle (usually an unconventional one), although this isn't something that occurs everyday, of course. However, it could occur to a lesser degree - for example, giving up a well-paid job in order to go back to college, or ending a stale relationship that offers security but no excitement and taking a chance on being alone again.

The Fool is about taking risks and not worrying about the consequences, in the same way a child would do. There is no guarantee that these risks will pay-off, but chances are that if you don't take them you won't be given the same opportunity again. If you have faith in yourself and your abilities, the possibility is high that you will gain a great deal.

I can't see that I saw any connection between The Fool and the events of today. Now, if I'd had one of those Pentacle cards I've been getting a lot lately I could have seen relevance in that, because I received an unexpected cheque today - a refund because I'd paid too much on my gas bills over the last year. Was quite a tidy sum, too!

Then again, I suppose I did take a bit of a risk today and it was rather silly. I couldn't get my Sims game to load and I decided to uninstall it and start all over again, totally forgetting to save all my downloads (yes, the ones I'd spent hours and hours finding and installing). Luckily, I had the majority of them saved on cd, but I still lost quite a few. Not sure this was important enough to merit a Major Arcana card, though!

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