This card is taken from the Zerner-Farber deck, which is ideal for people with small hands or those who find shuffling larger decks difficult. The imagery is beautiful and the colours particularly appealing. Most of the cards show figures drawn on a fabric background, including lace, border trim, satin and brocade. The deck is not a 'frilly, feminine' deck, however - it has a strong Pagan undercurrent and is ideal for spell work as well as interpretation. It would make an excellent deck for beginners.
I can't say I was surprised to see this card, seeing as I have had all the other Pentacle court cards appear in a very short space of time (in fact, I was expecting it). Quite what the cards are trying to tell me here, I don't know. If I were looking at this objectively, I would say it was describing a family who were going to become far better-off financially than they currently are, which makes me wonder whether I should nip out right now and buy a ticket for tonight's lottery, seeing as there's a rollover! The only problem is, I have no idea who the King of Pentacles is, as there is no man in my life at the moment, so possibly I am about to meet someone extremely rich!!!
When this card relates to an individual, it is usually describing an independent woman, often a divorcee or single parent, or simply a woman who prefers to live alone. If she is involved in a relationship, she will be very much her 'own woman' with her own identity; she will not blindly 'follow her man' if she doesn't agree with him. Some sources describe her as a loving, supportive person who has a way with children and animals, someone whose door is always open. She will have a knack for 'making a little go a long way' and is a loyal, honest friend who can keep a secret.
This woman is someone who will do what needs to be done in order to achieve what she wants. She isn't afraid of hard work, which is just as well as she often needs to put in that bit more effort than others in order to progress, although sometimes it just seems that way to her as her standards tend to be higher than those of the majority of people. She is likely to be her own worst critic and even her own worst enemy. This tendency can both benefit her and hold her back, depending on the circumstances.
No matter what problems arise in her life, this Queen will shrug her shoulders and carry on with what needs to be done - she is able to push her personal difficulties into the background and concentrate on the task in hand, which makes her an excellent employee, as she rarely lets her home life interfere with her working life. She is a perfectionist, who notices the small details that others miss.
In a reading where this card isn't relating to a particular person, it is likely to be telling the subject to adopt the attitude of the Queen of Pentacles and use determination and hard work to overcome their current difficulties. They need to forget past injustices, whether real or imaginary, and concentrate on making the best of what they currently have. They also need to look at the 'small print' and make sure they haven't missed something important.
It may also be that the subject needs to co-operate a little more with those around them at this time, rather than trying to 'go it alone'. This is especially likely if the Queen has other court cards at either side of it (these court cards will indicate who they need to co-operate with). Alternatively, it may be asking them to 'open their heart' and let a specific person in - they may be afraid to commit themselves to a relationship which could bring them a great deal of happiness if only they would let it. Again, any court card(s) adjoining the Queen should help identify the person concerned.
Unfortunately, I haven't had time to update the diary since I wrote this and I cannot remember what occurred on Saturday, although I know it was nothing out of the ordinary. I didn't win the lottery, either!
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Friday, September 24, 2004
The Sacred Rose Tarot is a deck you either love or hate. The images are in vivid colour and have been described as 'strange', particularly the faces. There is Qabbalistic symbolism on some of the cards and quite a few of them are similar to those of the Rider Waite deck. The pictures invoke nature in terms of woods and flowers and are somewhat reminscent of stained glass. This deck would appeal to anyone who likes something different and out of the ordinary; it definitely has a certain 'something' about it.
In many cases, especially in a reading concentrating on a particular problem area, The Fool relates to the wearing of 'rose-coloured glasses' and suggests that the subject is not seeing a situation for what it really is. It can often apply to a relationship where the subject has put the object of their affections onto such a high pedestal that they simply cannot see the flaws in their character (which are usually plentiful when this card is present).
Naivety and inexperience are also indicated by this card. The subject may think they know all there is to know about a certain situation in their life, but in reality they know very little and a 'rude awakening' may well be on the horizon unless they face up to their lack of knowledge. They are probably 'kidding themselves' in some way and reluctant to accept the obvious, probably because they are afraid of losing something, even if it's only 'face'.
On a more positive note, the Fool can promise new beginnings. When it is prominent in a reading, the subject may decide to embark on a venture that under normal circumstances they simply wouldn't consider. This is because the Fool gives them a sort of 'innocence' and temporarily blinds them to any obstacles that may be in their path. This can have a positive or negative outcome, depending on the cards following the Fool, especially the one immediately after it.
This card can also signify a new beginning for the subject in terms of their entire approach to life. They may decide to literally throw caution to the winds and sacrifice everything in order to embark on a totally new lifestyle (usually an unconventional one), although this isn't something that occurs everyday, of course. However, it could occur to a lesser degree - for example, giving up a well-paid job in order to go back to college, or ending a stale relationship that offers security but no excitement and taking a chance on being alone again.
The Fool is about taking risks and not worrying about the consequences, in the same way a child would do. There is no guarantee that these risks will pay-off, but chances are that if you don't take them you won't be given the same opportunity again. If you have faith in yourself and your abilities, the possibility is high that you will gain a great deal.
I can't see that I saw any connection between The Fool and the events of today. Now, if I'd had one of those Pentacle cards I've been getting a lot lately I could have seen relevance in that, because I received an unexpected cheque today - a refund because I'd paid too much on my gas bills over the last year. Was quite a tidy sum, too!
Then again, I suppose I did take a bit of a risk today and it was rather silly. I couldn't get my Sims game to load and I decided to uninstall it and start all over again, totally forgetting to save all my downloads (yes, the ones I'd spent hours and hours finding and installing). Luckily, I had the majority of them saved on cd, but I still lost quite a few. Not sure this was important enough to merit a Major Arcana card, though!
Thursday, September 23, 2004
This card is taken from the Gendron deck, which uses a more modern name for the Knight, namely "Prince". This is one of my favourite decks, as I find the imagery (which is beautiful) particularly inspiring. I also find the colours very appealing. It is ideal as a second deck, but will also suit beginners with some knowledge of the cards. It is essentially a feminine deck, very much Goddess/Earth centred - part reality, part fantasy, and packed with symbolism.
Once again I've been given one of the Pentacle court cards, this time the Knight. Quite why I keep choosing cards suggesting a family with money I don't know, but maybe it's a sign that my finances are going to improve soon - let's hope so!
When the Knight of Pentacles is referring to a particular person in a reading, the person concerned will more than likely be a young man aged somewhere between 18-35. Often it is someone the client is concerned about and suggests that news concerning them (usually good) is on the way. In a love reading, this card can foretell a relationship with a younger person; other sources say it is the sign of an illicit affair.
When this card relates to a specific event, it is usually indicative of taking responsibility for something, or taking charge of a situation. Sometimes it relates to mistakes made in the past which rear their heads again and need rectifying, in which case it is essential to deal with the situation in a responsible manner without attempting to avoid it.
This is an advantageous card to draw in a reading concerning finances, as it shows a steady increase in income, usually as a result of hard work and effort on the subject's part. It can also indicate improvement due to attempts to economise and cut corners finally paying off for the subject.
I can't say that this card had any real relevance for me, unless I count a problem I had with a neighbour which had to be dealt with today after being initiated yesterday (not worth going into here, you can find out more about it on my humour blog if you wish.
This card did seem to have relevance for a visitor to this diary, however. You can read all about it in her own words if you click on the "Comments" link below.
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
This image is taken from the Cosmic Tarot, which was designed by a German artist. It is a very popular deck with a wide appeal. The images are both informative and contemporary and are likely to appeal particularly to young and modern-minded readers. The deck also has a very attractive back: a field of stars containing an elaborate pentagram with a rising sun and moon and white rose in the centre. As an added feature, the court cards (and others which feature people) bear striking resemblances to well-known Hollywood movie stars!
Here we have the last of the Major Arcana cards and the possibilities of what it could be referring to are almost as big as the world itself. More often than not, however, it refers to the end of something in terms of achievement and accomplishment and a successful new beginning. Any changes in the subject's life will be for the better if this card is present in the layout.
When the World is in a prominent position in a spread, it can indicate far-reaching changes in the subject's life in terms of a completely new way of life and this will always be a better way of life than is currently being experienced. The actual path that takes the subject there may or may not be an easy one depending on the cards preceding The World.
I often find that when this card turns up, especially if it isn't in a particularly prominent spot, it can foretell news from overseas or contact with someone living abroad. The identity of that person can be ascertained if there is a court card immediately next to The World. Often this connection with overseas will prove to be particularly significant in the subject's life, otherwise it would not have needed such a powerful card to indicate it.
In a reading concerning a subject's love life, this card can indicate a brand-new relationship, or a relationship with someone from a different country, or both. Alternatively, it can mean a relationship with someone totally different in character and outlook from the subject, or someone from a different social background or race. Surrounding cards will often help determine which of these is more likely.
Similarly, in a reading concentrating on the subject's working life, The World can be promising a new job which offers far more opportunity for advancement than the current or previous one. It can also indicate the opportunity to work overseas, or perhaps a job with a foreign company, or even a foreign boss.
Overall, this card promises an end to anything which has been holding the subject back and offers them the opportunity to move forward into a much brigher future. Although it may not be immediately apparent to them that this is the way they are heading, events that take place after this card has been drawn will all be contributing towards this move to a better place.
This card didn't seem to relate to today in any real way. I was in contact with a friend overseas, but that wasn't an unusual occurrence. Maybe there were changes today behind the scenes that I was unaware of which will lead to better things for me in the future. Will have to wait and see on that one!
Monday, September 20, 2004
Second Time Around
When I chose my card for Monday it was the Page of Pentacles, which I received only the other day, so obviously whatever that card was trying to tell me is being repeated. When this happens, it is a sure sign that we need to take heed of whatever message the card is trying to put across to us.
I tried choosing some more cards and oddly enough chose the Queen of Pentacles, the King of Wands and the Knight of Pentacles, in that order. I am wondering if this little group is my eldest daughter and her family - the King could be a different suit because she lives with her partner but they're not married. The Page and Knight could be her son and daughter. Knights are actually young men not children, but it may just have been an indication that whoever the Pentacles relate to are people from the same family.
Of course, it could also be myself and my two youngest children (the only ones left at home), in which case I have no idea where the King of Wands comes into the picture!
It might be a good idea if I spend some time tomorrow making the house fit for visitors, just in case my daughter decides to pay me an impromptu visit (it wouldn't be the first time). If she does, I'll be sure to let you know!
My daughter didn't call round and I didn't have any contact with any extra people today. My youngest daughter was off school ill and needed that bit more attention from me, which fits with the "providing for your children's pysical needs and safety" angle, but it hardly seems worth having a special card for!
I have also been pushing for something specific today, which is also covered by this card, but again it's nothing special.
If this card has a meaning for me that I have still not worked out, it will no doubt turn-up again before much longer.
Sunday, September 19, 2004
8 of WANDS
This card is taken from the mystical and spiritual Haindl Tarot deck, which has influences from various sources, including Native American, Egyptian, Hindu and Celtic. It isn't really suitable as a first deck, as it doesn't include descriptive pictures on the Minor Arcana cards, although there is a single word description (in this case, "swiftness"). The artwork is unusual and compelling, using predominantly earthy tones to create a dreamy, almost surreal quality.
This card relates primarily to speed and the removal of obstacles that may have been forcing delay. It will appear in a promiment position if the subject of the reading needs to make a move in order to achieve something, or if they need to put plans into action, and have been unable to do so because something has been in the way.
It can also relate to some sort of news, usually some specific news that the subject has been waiting for, or some information they have been unable to obtain - the final piece of the jigsaw, if you like. Often this information will come via a conversation with someone, especially if there is a court card immediately adjacent to it (such a court card being an indication of the person who would be imparting the information). The chances are that the lack of this information will have been holding the subject back in some way - i.e., it has been an obstacle in their path.
Some sources describe this card as "the arrows of love", although I have never looked at it that way. Wands are primarily concerned with career matters, or with friendships on a surface level, as opposed to the deeper friendships covered by the suit of Cups.
Overall, this card denotes things happening quickly, especially in terms of anything that has been delayed due to circumstances beyond the subject's control. It is very much a positive card and its influences can be quite far-reaching, depending on the position it holds in the spread.
When I posted the above, I couldn't think how the 8 of Wands could relate to me, but surprisingly enough it has! In the results for my previous post, 6 of Pentacles, I mentioned that a friend had offered to pay for something online for me as the site wouldn't accept my credit card. This took place today and as a result I've been able to start a new project that I tried to get off the ground just over a year ago.
So, you could say that my friend provided the missing piece of that jigsaw!